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Wire Wrapping, A Crash Course

Hello everyone! When I tell people what I do I often hear, "Oh I used to do a bit of jewellery making myself! I would love to get back into it." It makes me so happy to hear this because one of my other passions and vocations in life is teaching. Although I do one on one and group workshops, I thought it would be nice to share a visual of one of the jewellery making techniques I use quite often to get your creative juices flowing!

As you can see, I am a much better jewellery maker than digital artist, but hey, we all start somewhere!

In terms of the materials you need, I often see people who want to get started purchasing kits thinking that it is a great way to save money. In fact, more often than not, many of these pre-made kits include tools that you will never use, and so you end up with more clutter as well as less money in the bank. There are only 3 tools you will really need in wire wrapping:

The first tool is the round-nose pliers, the first pair of pliers pictured above. The second is a good pair of wire cutters, and last but not least, you need a pair of needle-nose or flat-nose pliers. These 3 babies are all you need to get the job done.

Another important thing to consider is the type of wire you are using to do your wraps. It is important that the wire is thin enough that the beads you are using slide easily on to it. If the wire is too thick, your bead can break. If it is too thin, the wire can break or the bead will not be held in place very well. The two most common sizes of wire are 24 gauge (also known as .51) and 26 gauge (also known as .41). In terms of metal quality, if you are working with high quality chain and stones, I recommend using a sterling silver wire and a 14k gold filled wire. To practice however, it is good to have some cheaper, artistic wire on hand.

Ok, now that you have the basics here all in one place, I bid you, happy wrapping! Remember, to book a one on one or group workshop, email me at

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